JMS Log - August 2022: I was born 2 months EARLY on July 5, 2022 at Women's Hospital in Columbia, MO. Mom went to the doctor and luckily mentioned that I had not moved in a while that day... next thing you know... we are in the hospital and I am freed onto the world!! (Mom's okay now...she is a trooper. Dad was left in charge for a few hours and had to make some scary calls and decisions.... he is still recovering.) I lived my first couple of months at the hospital but all good now.

This is my Mom. She is pretty and soft and warm.
This is my Dad. He is pretty cool.
JMS Log - September 2022: I finally got to come home and meet the rest of the family. I live in the country. I have two canine roommates no one asked me about - Bella and Riley. And a crazy cat. We are getting used to each other.
Yes, my feet really are this big.
S t a g e s o f D r u n k e n e s s
Stage 1: Sobriety
Stage 2: Euphoria
Stage 3: Excitement
Stage 4: Confusion
Stage 5: Stupor
Yeah, I am pretty cute, huh?
JMS Log - 26 Nov 2022: This is a video where my Great Aunt Pam is trying to get me to do something. I am told she is going to be my favorite Great Aunt, but so far she is really annoying.... she calls me 1A for some reason. I think she has issues but keeping an open mind....
JMS Log - 13 May 2023: I got drug out into the heat to go my uncle Daniel's graduation from some fancy science school. Aunt Pam and Uncle Daniel say science is a good thing but some of the others don't seem too impressed with it. Anyway, I was pretty good. Afterwards, we went to a park and they all ate fajitas - I ate the usual. I did get to ride my walker around and was tearing the asphalt up for my folks. I think I made it obvious to them that I am going to need my own car soon.
JMS Log - 22 June 2023: Meme took me to watch a game for FOUR HOURS in the HEAT!!! Not sure what I did wrong to deserve THAT.
JMS Log - 27 August 2023:
Aunt Pam used my "stages" photos above and made a video. I need to ask Mom if mental illness runs in this family.
JMS Log - 2 September 2023: Today was Aunt Amanda's wedding and I was the co-star of the show. I did take a break outside. I wanted to nap but fought it so I would not miss anything. I now have an uncle Lehi!